Dallas Wedding Planners + Coordinators Who Love Jesus + Serving Our Couples!

Wedding Planning Perfectionists at Your Service!

The Bible says, "For where two or three gather in My Name, there I am with them," so we do everything as a team here! We believe there is strength in community, which is why you will always have two of our team members executing your wedding day, no matter which package you choose! The Double Blessing Events team has eight trained wedding planners, coordinators, and assistants who love and follow Jesus! Collectively, we have more than fifty years of planning and coordinating experience with 300+ weddings totaling more than $7.5 million. Our team can't wait to serve you and help you grow closer to Christ. :)

We are the largest and most experienced Christian wedding planning company in all of Dallas Fort Worth, and we have very close relationships with Christian vendors who truly love the Lord! The way He connected us to them over the years is so crazy that it could ONLY be God! Haha, don't you love when He does that? :) We love coming together in unity with other Christian vendors to serve our couples!

We know that Heaven is a place where people from all nations will worship Jesus, which is why it has been such a huge blessing to plan so many multicultural weddings throughout the years! We've planned and coordinated American, African, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Pakistani, Turkish, Arabic, Indian, Irish, and Latino weddings.

wedding PLANNING servicesWORK WITH US!

Chelsey was so incredibly helpful in communicating with my vendors. I’m so glad I got to sit back and enjoy my big day while she did her thing! At the end of the night, even my DJ came up and told me in all his years of weddings, he has worked with many coordinators and was so very impressed with her professionalism! We’re so glad we chose her to help our big day run smoothly!

Madison P.


Chelsey did an absolute amazing job assisting me in planning my wedding. She asked questions to the vendors that I wouldn't have even thought to ask. Because of her, I saved a ton of money on my wedding, as she stuck with my budget that I gave her from the start. She is personal, professional, responsive, and by the end of it, she won't only just be your wedding planner, she will be your friend as well. I highly recommend her and so thankful she was there for my big day. I wouldn't have known what to do without her!

Rachel P.


I cannot express how helpful she has been these past few months. Chelsey reached out to me after one of my posts, gave me a call, and we talked for a good 30 minutes. A woman I barely know, took time out of her day to help in any way she could. I definitely recommend anyone who is planning a wedding to get in touch with her.

Samantha D.


Our rehearsal went smoothly, every question was answered. She somehow corralled our crazy crew. I was shaky nervous entering the rehearsal, and I left cool, calm, and collected because of Danae. Our wedding day was more than I could have dreamed of. I didn't have a worry in the world. Having Danae there allowed me to sit back, relax, and enjoy my day as a bride. I don't think we ran into one mishap, thanks to her planning. Or, she at least hid it very well and didn't tell me!

Olivia L.


Danae was awesome!! She was organized, professional, polite, and so very kind. She knew every aspect of the wedding and details. I would highly recommend using Double Blessing Events! Several days prior to the wedding she sent both mothers a timeline for the day of. It was very helpful and helped ease my concerns just to know what to expect and when. I am so very thankful for all the help.

Denise L. (Mother of the Bride)


There are so many examples where this woman took care of me and loved me through this process and I COULD NOT have done this without her. She made sure everyone had their place, knew what to do and set up everything with the vendors. I felt 100% secure on my wedding day because I knew Chelsey was handling things behind the scenes and I trust her completely! She is an amazing woman and human being and to have her as a wedding planner was a complete honor!! I recommend Chelsey Morin 100% and would give her 500 stars if I could!

Amber E.


Hi, I’m Chelsey!


Ever since I was little girl, I dreamed of my wedding day and my Prince Charming. I watched every Disney movie and was so captivated by the thought that I would find my husband one day. I could not wait!! Boy, did I have lotssss of expectations for my wedding day. I had an entire folder in my Google Drive for my wedding...before I even met my husband! Yep. I was that girl.

Wedding planning is my absolute dream job. When we created Double Blessing Events, I NEVER would have thought it would later become my full-time job. But God had other plans! What a huge blessing it has been. I don't want to do anything else! When we have our consultation together, you will quickly see how much I love weddings, because I will be excited enough for the BOTH of us!

"For GOD has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."
- 2 Timothy 1:7

I traveled around all 48 states and Canada with my husband, Alphonse, in a little blue school bus that we converted ourselves into a RV. We shared 100 square feet of space for 8 months, and we're still married! 😜

Ahh, I can't wait to meet you!


Hi, I’m Danae!


Wow, where should I even begin?? The Lord has been so gracious to me because He has allowed me to have my two dream jobs...being a stay-at-home mom to my three precious children, and being a wedding coordinator alongside my sister with Double Blessing Events!

In the 10+ years I have been a wedding coordinator, I must say that my favorite aspect has been having the privilege of working so closely with the couples and their families. It brings my heart so much joy to know how completely they trust me with the biggest day of their lives. I love doing whatever I can for them (in addition to the planning of course!), whether it is praying for them, listening to them and their desires, fears, or disappointments, or just simply being a good friend they can laugh with! My heart and soul goes into this role, and I would be so honored to have the privilege of getting to serve you and your fiancé, too!

"But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
- Isaiah 40:31

Not only am I Chelsey's identical twin sister, but I am also MARRIED to an identical twin! 🤯 Also (since you are probably thinking it...) NO, Chelsey is NOT married to my husband's twin brother (sigh), and unfortunately, none of my three children are twins because identical twins are not genetic (double sigh).

It would be a blessing to help you with your special day!

Hi, I’m Mel!


Since 2013, I have overseen 200 weddings and personally planned/coordinated about 100 of those! It all started with my wedding in 2013 - I fell in love with the planning process! Being an ultra-organized, hyper efficient, design lover, wedding planning was a clear calling that fit my skill set and personality so beautifully!

Weddings are an echo of the great wedding celebration to come when we will one day be united with our King Jesus. I keep that reality before me as I plan weddings, inviting the sacred into the process. From the smallest details to the biggest ones, I work with my clients to create something truly special that is a reflection of the unique love story God is writing on their hearts. For me, weddings marked by love, joy, and perfect peace is the hope and ultimate success!

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.”
- Isaiah 26:3

I grew up in the military and lived in Norway as a kid. We even built an igloo and stayed in it! I have had the privilege of living in many places and meeting people from all over the world.

I can’t wait to celebrate you!

Hi, I’m Denise!


I’ve spent over a decade creating extraordinary events that turn dreams into reality. From lavish weddings to high-profile corporate functions, I thrive on bringing people’s visions to life with precision, creativity, and a touch of sparkle.

My journey into event planning started with a deep-seated passion for organization and a love for creating memorable experiences. Each project has been a new adventure, and I’ve learned that the key to a successful event is not just in the details but in the ability to connect with clients and understand their unique needs.

What sets me apart is my dedication to making every event not just an occasion, but a lasting memory. Whether it’s finding the perfect venue, coordinating with vendors, or managing the day-of logistics, I’m here to ensure everything runs smoothly. My goal is to take the stress out of planning so you can enjoy the moments that matter most.

When I’m not busy orchestrating events, I love walking life with others as a Christian Life Coach. My passion is to help others uncover their God-given purpose, overcome obstacles, and embrace the path God has for them. I believe that every event should be as unique as the people it’s celebrating, and I can’t wait to work with you to make your vision come to life.

“There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven.”
- Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬

Our grandkids call me Lolli and my husband Pop. We are LolliPop, and it is our greatest joy!

I can't wait to make your vision come to life!

Hi, I'm Tonja!


I've spent the past 20 years working in the legal field, where I gained the organizational skills and eye for detail I have today. I discovered my love for event planning during my exposure to political campaign fundraisers where I helped plan, manage, and coordinate various events.

After a few years, I took my event planning interest to a new level and quickly fell in love with the wedding industry. I became drawn to the love story, the creativity, and the authenticity that each couple brings to the table and wanted to help them plan their dream wedding without all of the expectations and stress that develops throughout the process.

Today, I combine my wedding planning expertise and life coach training to encourage couples to plan the wedding they want (despite the influence around them) so they can relax more and stress less for a blissful wedding planning experience. I help them start their lives together with a solid foundation of confidence and understanding of stress coping skills they can use long after their wedding day is over!

Relax more and stress less!


Hi, I’m Jocelyn!


For the past six years, I’ve dedicated my career to higher education, spending the last three as a Campus Visits and Events Coordinator at the University of Texas at Arlington. In this role, I manage a diverse array of responsibilities, from planning large-scale recruitment events to counseling students through the college application process.

Since 2022, I’ve also been deeply involved with DBE, where I’ve found immense joy in every moment. I cherish the beauty of the decorations, the festive atmosphere, the delicious food, and most of all, the opportunity to work with kind and wonderful couples (like you). The highlight of my role is witnessing the covenant commitment that a bride and groom make as they embark on their lifelong journey together. It's a moment that NEVER gets old for me.

On your wedding day, my greatest hope is that you feel truly celebrated, loved, and cared for. I will be there with you every step of the way, cheering you on and ensuring that your special day is everything you’ve dreamed of and is an experience that brings you joy for many years to come.

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who being in very nature, God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death---even death on a cross!"
- Philippians 2:3-8

Penguins are my favorite animal. I adore them so much that I am prone to shed a tear or two when I talk about them. Next time you see me -- be sure to ask about my love for penguins!

Looking forward to becoming besties!

Hi, I’m Brooklyn!


My event planning journey began in 2023, as I studied abroad in London and interned as an event planner for a digital marketing company. I planned the Enfield Business Awards with over 7,000 nominations, and from there, my love and passion for this industry was planted.

Following my return home, I met Chelsey and Danae. Alongside them, I fell in love with wedding planning as I witnessed the most beautiful couples, surrounded by all their loved ones, promise themselves to one another before God.

As an assistant coordinator, I get to witness your beautiful day and ensure you are taken care of throughout, allowing you to take in this special moment without any distractions or worries.

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
- Isaiah 41:10

I'm a TCU Horned Frog!

Allowing you to take in this special moment without distractions or worries!

Double Blessing Events

So how did Double Blessing Events start? How did two sisters from Dallas, TX create a wedding planning business that has helped hundreds of couples have their perfect dream weddings?


When Chelsey and Danae were in college, they loved planning events for their church groups and communities. So when their friends started getting engaged, they asked Chelsey and Danae to help plan their weddings. And of course, both of them were ecstatic! Weddings were their absolute favorite!!

Well, the sisters didn’t realize that this was happening to the other one, too! So one day, when they were chatting on the phone, the topic came up that one of them was helping with a wedding. And then, they realized that this was happening to both of them! Haha, what a coincidence!

Over the years, Chelsey and Danae did so many weddings for their friends and family that they decided to start getting paid for it! In 2017, they got together at their local Starbucks, bought the Double Blessing Events domain name, and created a website. However, both of them were still teaching at that time, so they just sat back and waited for the Lord's instruction!

Fast forward to 2019, when Chelsey felt a tug from God to leave her teaching job and go all in with Double Blessing Events. After a LOT of prayer, she took the leap, finished out the school year, and started treating DBE as a real business. She registered DBE with the State of Texas, got insurance, formed the LLC, and taught herself all about business and marketing!


Well, the Lord definitely gave Chelsey confirmation that this was the right move, because He brought eight bookings to her within the first two months. Praise God! She knew she was in the right place.

Well, you know how significant names are to the Lord? Chelsey would later find out that God had a DOUBLE meaning in store for Double Blessing Events! The girls originally chose this name because it represented the two of them being a double blessing to their brides (since they were twins), and it also showcased their love for Jesus. How perfect! But the Lord revealed to Chelsey in 2022 that this business was also a double blessing because it was the combination of her wedding planning business AND her ministry! When Jesus miraculously freed Chelsey from depression and anxiety in 2021 (she was diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression in 2018), God called her into ministry to help other believers break free from strongholds and things that have been weighing them down for years, if not decades. Now, Chelsey uses her ministry to bless her couples in addition to the wedding planning services they provide.